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How To Choose the Perfect Display Shelving for your Needs

Display Shelving

At Zenith Group, we provide a wide range of ergonomically designed display shelving which make daily operations easy, intuitive and safe. Our products are available in a variety of sizes and configurations to suit your specific needs and requirements. Our team of experts can help you choose the right product for your application.

What factors should you consider when choosing display shelving?

Type Of Material

When it comes to choosing display shelving, there are a few key factors you need to consider. The first factor to consider is the type of material you need the shelving to be made out of. Different materials such as wood, metal, and plastic all have different benefits when it comes to display shelving. The material you choose should be able to withstand the environment it is going in, such as moisture and temperature. Furthermore, the material you choose should be able to handle the items you need to display. Some materials may be better suited for heavier items than others.


The second factor to consider is the size of the shelving. You want to make sure you have enough space to store the items you need to display in the shelving. If the shelving is too small, it will not be able to accommodate the items you need to display. It is important to measure the space you have available before you make your purchase to ensure you get the size you need.


The third factor to consider is the weight of the shelving. Depending on the materials you choose for the shelving, it will dictate the weight of the shelving. Additionally, the items you need to display will also factor into the weight of the shelving unit. It is important to consider the weight of the shelving when planning where to place the shelving.


The fourth factor to consider is the price of the shelving. Different materials, sizes, and weights all have different prices associated with them. It is important to compare prices and make sure you get the best deal before making your purchase.

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